Francesca’s Story

Baby and child clothes, toys in box. Second hand apparel idea

Daily Wire: ‘They’re Going to Take My Kid’: How I Went from Homeless Convict to Successful Mother

Article appeared in Daily Wire | By: Francesca | Photo Credit: Adobe Stock (stock photo)

A lot can change in two years. I would know.

Just two years ago, I sat in a treatment facility waiting for a psychiatric drug prescription, careless as the passing minutes slowly wasted away. I had nothing to live for. The doctor finally returned, and I numbly looked up, unprepared for her explosive revelation: “We’re sending you home on prenatals!” she announced.

I was shocked. I’d just gotten out of jail, and it couldn’t be possible that a brief rendezvous with my former drug dealer had resulted in a new baby.

Shock turned to panic. They’re going to take my kid. I’d already permanently lost custody of four children. The loss of another one would break me.

As I sat there crying, abortion seemingly my only option, I had no idea that a home called Bethlehem House would soon save my life.

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