Caitlin’s Story


Real Clear Florida: I Am Proud of My 17-Year-Old Self Who Bravely Chose Life

Article appeared in Real Clear Florida | By: Caitlin Drakos | Photo Credit: Adobe Stock (stock photo)

I was about to graduate high school when I found out I was pregnant. I was in a relationship with the father of my child, but he didn’t treat me with the love and kindness I deserved. Many people close to me, out of fear and confusion, suggested I should have an abortion. I understood how fear could lead them to make that suggestion, but I knew immediately it wasn’t the right decision for me. While I was unprepared to be a mom and was facing a challenging time, I knew I would choose life for my child. Additionally, deep down, I wanted to prove I could have a child, and that abortion was not a real ‘solution’ for my situation. I also knew choosing abortion would not put an end to the abuse I was experiencing from the father. The pain and suffering I endured in our relationship would have only increased exponentially.
I decided to move forward with my pregnancy and shortly after my 18th birthday, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Two months after our daughter was born, the abuse from her father intensified, and he began selling drugs.
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