Amy’s Story

Wooden toys, a bear in a bow tie, a stack of diapers, bottles without labels and baby supplies on the changing table. Space for text.

Daily Signal: Empathy Comes Firsthand for Director of This Maternity Home

Article appeared in Daily Signal | By: Amy Woodward | Photo Credit: Daily Signal

Because I am no stranger to economic hardship, my heart truly beats for these women and their beautiful babies. I understand what it is like to be pregnant without a loving and supportive home environment, so now I work to make sure that other women have what I didn’t.

I had a recent encounter with a struggling young mother who came to Divine Mercy looking for help. Usually, I am excellent at reading people, but in this case I was completely unable to glean from her facial expressions any reaction to seeing our home for the first time. So I asked for her thoughts.

Overcome, she whispered the words that I hope every mother who comes to us for help can say, “I’ve just never felt this way before. It feels like home.”

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