Shanese’s Story


Daily Caller: Brown – My Son Saved My Life and Now I’m Dreaming Big

Article appeared in Daily Caller | By: Shanese Brown | Photo Credit: Daily Caller

I left the emergency room and sat in my car, the same car that used to be my shelter and refuge from the world. Tears streamed down my face as I lifted my phone and searched for abortion clinics in my area. The results were illegible as the tears stinging my eyes blurred my vision.

As I sat there, alone and scared, I heard God say, “if you trust me, I will take care of you”. I had always been a woman who trusted God, but never had I imagined trusting Him in this way. I would keep my child. I would trust God. But I would need support.

I found a local pregnancy care center where I was welcomed with open arms by people who embodied all that was good and kind in this world. They provided me with a free sonogram, and I was able to hear my baby’s heartbeat. I realized for the first time that I was no longer alone.

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