Jean Marie’s Story


The Hill: A Pro-life Pregnancy Center Saved Me from a Life of Human Trafficking

Article appeared in The Hill | By: Jean Marie Davis

Not long ago, I stood before the Vermont Senate and testified about my experience as a human trafficking survivor who became the first black female pregnancy center director in the state.

I had been asked to testify against a bill targeting pro-life pregnancy help centers, falsely claiming that we “mislead” the public about our services.

But my story puts the lie to this narrative and proves the beautiful truth of our work — that pregnancy centers love, serve and commit ourselves to the men, women and children of our communities who need our help. We know firsthand how our assistance can transform someone’s life.

From age 2 to 29, I was trafficked in 33 states. I suffered serial abuse, rape and even murder attempts by various pimps. I was heavily addicted to hard drugs such as crystal meth and cocaine. I eventually reached a point where I intentionally sought to end my life by overdosing.

Even though I was losing weight from the drugs, my belly kept growing, and I soon discovered the pregnancy that would ultimately save my life.

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Fox News: Vermont Law Censors Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers

Interview appeared on Fox News | By: Dana Perino | Photo Credit: Fox News

Jean Marie joins Fox News to share her story of how a local pregnancy center helped her escape human trafficking. Now the Executive Director of a Vermont pregnancy center, Jean Marie gives back, offering other women the hope and healing she once received.

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Fox News: Human Trafficking Survivor, a Mom of a Son, Addresses March for Life: 'We Are Here to Save Souls'

Article appeared in Fox News | By: Christine Rousselle | Photo Credit: Fox News

“We’re always being labeled or looked at as [if] we’re pushing an agenda of forcing people to do something, and that is not true,” Davis told Fox News Digital. “They think that we are trying to mislead people and [are] doing things that we don’t.”

Instead, she said her organization is “just there to help” women who need it, both during and after their pregnancies. “Our motto is, ‘We do life with each other,'” she said.

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EWTN Pro-Life Weekly: Survivor Jean Davis Helps Unveil 2024 March for Life Theme

Interview appeared on EWTN Pro-Life Weekly | By: Prudence Robertson | Photo Credit: EWTN Pro-Life Weekly

Jean Marie Davis joins EWTN Pro-Life Weekly to share her story of escaping human trafficking and discuss her current work as Executive Director of a Vermont pregnancy center, where she now helps other women in similar circumstances find hope.

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Fox & Friends: March for Life Activists Call on Senate to Provide Funding for Pregnancy Care Centers

Interview appeared on Fox and Friends | By: Carley Shimkus

Human trafficking survivor, Jean Marie, joins Fox and Friends after the March for Life. She shares her story and discusses her work as Executive Director of a Vermont pregnancy center to offer other women facing similar circumstances hope and help.

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Catholic News Agency: March for Life Speakers Promote Care for Pregnant Women and Children Nationwide

Article appeared in Catholic News Agency | By: Jonah McKeown

Jean-Marie Davis, executive director of Branches Pregnancy Resource Center in Vermont, addressed a crowd of thousands on the National Mall, many huddled for warmth in the blowing snow and clutching homemade pro-life signs as they prepared to march to the Supreme Court building.

Davis, a survivor of human trafficking who spent more than 25 years being bought and sold, told the crowds about how scared and alone she felt when she discovered she was pregnant with her now 8-year-old son, Jonah. A woman named Phyllis at a pregnancy resource center in New Hampshire befriended and assisted Davis and, throughout the course of Davis’ pregnancy and the birth of her son, introduced her to Christ.

Now, as executive director of the pregnancy center, Davis helps numerous women and fathers in Vermont who are in a similar situation she once was in.

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Our Sunday Visitor: Pro-Lifers Will March Until Abortion is 'Unthinkable,' Says Head of March for Life

Article appeared in Our Sunday Visitor | By: Kate Scanlon

The 2024 event’s theme was “With Every Woman, For Every Child” and sought to highlight the work of pregnancy care centers and maternity homes. Jean Marie Davis, executive director of Branches Pregnancy Resource Center in Brattleboro, Vermont, said that she herself was helped by a pregnancy resource center after she was a victim of human trafficking.

Davis told OSV News, “I’m doing something to give back to the community and fighting for something not just for my son’s sake, because this is a personal thing, but also for other women to know, I have a voice and I can actually stand up and say something,” Davis said.

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Pregnancy Help News: "This is a False Narrative That's Out There That We Don't Help Women" - Pregnancy Help Highlighted on Capitol Hill

Article appeared in Pregnancy Help News | By: Lisa Bourne

“We hope that this year that’ll break the narrative because this is a false narrative that’s out there that we don’t help women,” said Davis. “I’m true proof that not only do they help you, but they actually get you set into a place where you can turn around and provide services and help the community with more hope.”

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