Anonymous Story

baby clothes with diapers are stacked

The Federalist: A Pregnancy Care Center Helped Me Become a Mom and Follower of Jesus

Article appeared in The Federalist | By: Anonymous | Photo Credit: Adobe Stock (stock photo)

If someone had told me just four short years ago that my life would be marked by more blessings than I could count, I would have looked at them with complete incredulity. I never dreamed I could be surrounded by the warm love and happiness I experience today.

It was all made possible by my unexpected pregnancy and a community that empowered me to take on the mission of motherhood.

I was raised in a small trailer with no electricity, let alone love, support, or a good example. I would try to take my younger siblings places and be outside, with them never knowing that my intention was to protect them from what occurred inside our small, four walls.

I couldn’t let my innocent siblings see or smell the copious drugs that had consumed our mother for years. They deserved as much of a childhood as possible, despite not knowing where their next meal would come from, which was often a bag of rice dusted with salt.

Taking on the role of “mother” toward my siblings as a young teenager was never in my plan. Needless to say, it was hard, and I was incredibly frustrated as a child raising three other children.

Then, at 15 years old and to my utter dismay, I became pregnant.

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